“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19, ESV).
“Jehovah Jireh” is one of God’s names, and it means, “The Lord will provide.” One of the ways I have encountered Jehovah Jireh most recently has been through the provision of absolutely incredible people who have chosen to be caregivers, and spend time with my mother in the nursing home where she currently lives.
Even before my mother went to live in the assisted living section of Casey’s Pond about a year ago, she had several caregivers come to her home to help her get around the house, make and serve her meals, and simply be a friend to her. At the beginning of this journey of requiring this kind of assistance, there were moments of wondering if there would be anyone available, and if so, how long would they stick around? There was also the question of whether those available would be a good fit for this kind of work: kind, compassionate, and adaptable.
When processing these questions with my father on the phone one day, I told him I would pray, and trust God to provide just the right people. Ever since that very first prayer, we have witnessed God provide over and over again, and in abundance.
Some of the ladies who were initially hired to be caregivers at the home did not work out, or had to leave for reasons such as other jobs, school, or getting married. However, every single time there was a vacancy, God provided someone else almost immediately. Treasured friendships have been cultivated, as a growing network of caring people called to this ministry of serving and loving a seventy-one year old woman with a progressive neurological condition has been established by our Jehovah Jireh.
When round the clock care became necessary about a year ago, and my mother moved to assisted living, she was naturally not happy about leaving her home, and the companionship of her husband of almost 50 years. My father decided to hire a caregiver in addition to the staff who would be helping my mom at Casey’s Pond. Marian spends six mornings a week with my mother, helping her to eat breakfast and lunch, giving her a bath, and taking her on outings or simply spending time with her in her room. The two women are around the same age, and have become close friends. Marian is an advocate for my mom in meetings with her hospice team, and the staff at the nursing home. She has navigated each change with my mom’s condition with grace, and provided her with an unparalleled amount of respect and dignity. I watch with awe at our God how He has provided us with someone so loving and dedicated to this “job,” which hardly seems to be a fitting word for what Marian does. She’s become part of our family, and we are so grateful for her.
Lydia, a young woman who has also graced our lives as a caregiver, enjoys taking my mom on various outings, allowing her to get some sunshine on her face and see the beauty of God’s creation all around her. She currently helps both my mom and dad as she visits my mom occasionally, and helps out with the animals and ranch property my parents own.
Spending quite a bit of time at Casey’s Pond has opened my eyes to the unique qualities and characteristics of the kind of people who work there. Warm, friendly greetings are commonplace, as well as getting down on eye level with a personal conversation, and calling each resident by name. Value, respect, and dignity are communicated with each interaction regardless of whether the resident is able to communicate very much in return, as is the case with my mother. I can see in her eyes, and the way she reaches out with her hand, that she appreciates their kindness.
Due to the fact that she is in assisted living, and even though the staff is always eager to help my mom, there are still facets of her condition that require extra attention, such as feeding her meals. For this reason, my father wanted to set up a schedule of visitors to come each weekday around 5:00 pm to help my mom with dinner. He would then be my mom’s weekend dinner company. Again, at the outset of this endeavor, he wondered, will we be able to find enough people to do this? Will they keep coming back week after week? Well, once again, Jehovah Jireh, provided in abundance.
In very short order, a team of people volunteered to take one evening per week, including myself. Each friend or volunteer, who quickly became a friend of course, had their own unique addition to simply feeding my mom dinner. For example, Bridget would light a candle or two and give my mom a facial and apply makeup while she visited. Ann and Tawnya like to throw impromptu “happy hours,” and are always sure to include lots of laughter during their visits. They even arranged a Saturday morning visit to the farmer’s market this summer. Krystal was originally a hospice volunteer who now visits simply as a friend as she has enjoyed her time with my mom so much. When she took a long vacation to Europe this summer and reached out to the “team,” her evenings were covered in one day as this generous bunch happily filled in for her. Cindy has been our loyal Friday night friend who on occasion has graciously brought some variety to the menu by bringing in a pizza. My contribution has been prayer and reading a chapter of a book called, Imagine Heaven, by John Burke each visit. We’ve also had couples like David and Sharon who have filled in for me when I’ve been gone, and have also shown up on a Sunday morning to take my mom to church if both my dad and I have been out of town at the same time. Rick and Sara, have also stopped in to offer spiritual guidance and prayers.
If all that’s not incredible enough, I’ve had several occasions where ladies have approached me to offer to help my mom in whatever way they can. Shelly’s inquiry came right at the time when Bridget was no longer able to come regularly on Monday nights. Now Shelly is our Monday friend, and Bridget stops by, usually with sweet treats, whenever she can. Diane recently approached both my dad and me at my sons’ baseball game and said she’d like to start helping out. Amazing. I’ve tried to include everyone I can think of in this post, but I know there are even more people who have visited and blessed my mom over the past few years. I need an entirely different post just to tell the great story of her hospice nurse (Emily) and chaplain (David) that God provided, who were my parents’ good friends, and their minister, from 10 or 15 years ago. Over and over again, we’ve had a front row seat to our faithful, loving, God pour out His blessing and favor as He nudges certain individuals to want to love and serve this woman in her time of great need.
Jehovah Jireh provides for us each so uniquely and intimately, and honestly, I feel like in this particular testimony of His provision, He has really been showing off. It’s like He was saying, “Oh, you’re asking for one nice caregiver to help your mom out at her home? Just you watch and see how I’m going to blow your socks off with all the people I’m going to bring into her life to show her just how much I see her and love her.”
Thank you, most gracious and loving Father, for putting on full display exactly what is in your Word, that you would supply every need of ours. I pray that this testimony would bring great assurance to your people that whatever their situation may be, and whatever their needs are, that when we ask, you provide in abundance. May they know and experience you as Jehovah Jireh, and may this story bring glory and honor to your Name, in Jesus Name, Amen.
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About Me
I am a child of God, a wife to Seth, and a mother to James, Luke, and Eva. The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Corinthians, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). I became a “new creation” at the age of 23 when I surrendered my life to Jesus and was delivered from a decade of depression. Read more...
WOW Lizzie, this is an incredible and moving testimony!
Thank you so much, Emma!
I love the way people have stepped up like that. Your mom probably blesses them as much as she feels loved. Thank you for sharing that Lizzie!
Thank you, Lynn! I definitely agree!
Wow Lizzie!!! What a testimony to God’s love ❤️
It really hits home with Jay and I with the care his mother received until her passing and the care provided to my mother!
So glad you enjoyed it, Janet. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you’ve experienced the same!
Love this! What an incredible display of how God has used a challenging situation to bring our community together. Can’t wait for the caregiver thank you party in a few months!
I don’t know how I missed this last summer! As always, with your writings, I have tears as I’m reading. You expressed God’s love and provision for your mom and all of us so beautifully. Such an encouragement for us as we navigate our own mother’s care, and witness the outpouring of love for her. These wonderful people have certainly been the hands of Jesus and they bring Him glory.